13 years ago
1. Get a bunch of sheep
2. Get tents (gers, large four walled types, whatever)
3. Buy a huge chunk of land in the desert with plenty of grasses
4. get some dogs
5. Train said dogs
6. become awesome sheep-herding desert nomads!
So, what do you think? Are we geniuses (insane) or what!?
Seriously, though, I am interested in a job in the sheep industry, because my uncle farmed them (before he passed on) and I always loved visiting him and helping him tend the flock (plus, he had four dogs: Sandy, Cream, Delilah, and Bull whom I adored). He taught me a thing or two about dealing with sheep, but now I need real information about ownership of a sheep farm (btw, that desert thing I mentioned has basis in reality. He owned a HUGE expanse of land, and he and his workers would watch the sheep graze. It wasn't a little farm with picket fences and stuff. It was more like... well, I guess you could call it a ranch. And while it wasn't quite in a desert, it sure was hot sometimes!)
Can anyone on here tell me where I can find information on starting a business like this? Thanks so much!