Simple. Organic farmers do not have the deep pockets, and most importantly do not have the lobbyists Agra business companies like Monsanto, Cargil, Dow, and others are able to afford.
These mega billion dollar companies are funding lobbyist, writing bills, and getting more and more laws passed that are making small, organic farming virtually illegal. The latest law they are trying to get passed is written loosely enough that it does in fact make organic farming illegal. People will not even legal be allowed to grow a tomato plant on their patio.
Not that I think police officers are going to round up people growing a tomato plant. What really happens is these laws get passed, and then the mega agra business companies start to sue small farmers and drive them out of business.
Anyone who does not believe they are systematically coming to control the world wide food chain simply has their head in the sand.
Bottom's all about the almighty dollar.
Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years
Would the folks who believe Government, the USDA, and Agra Business companies are all warm cuddly entities then please explain:
The NAIS? Why the Agra business farms are allowed to register entire herds or flocks under just one number, yet the small farmer must register each and every animal, and have paperwork on each and every animal?
Why Agra Business companies are allowed to go to countries collect seeds farmer have grown for THOUSANDS of years, and patent them?
Why is is illegal now in 28 states to sue agra business companies who's genetically altered seeds contaminate organic farms?
Why is it legal for those same agra business companies to sue the organic farmers for "stealing" their genetically patented seeds?
I could list hundreds more question...but lets just have those warm and fuzzy questions answered. Could it be because the lobbiest (funded by the agra business companies) got those laws passed through? Nah....that couldn't be it. Too space alien/consperacy therory nut job.
So how DID it happen boys and girl?