Does Gerber test its bath products on animals?
2007-05-14 12:22:15 UTC
Does Gerber test its bath products on animals?
Two answers:
2007-05-15 03:00:48 UTC
Components of all products unfortunately have been tested on animals before they can be concidered safe. A company that uses product components previously determined safe at certain levels and in mixes with other chemicals probably won't test on animals, but they won't tell you unless it is to their benefit from a sales standpoint. The relm of animal testing seems to be in developement of new components.

If animal testing concerns you, then become more knowlegeable about products and their components, and buy simple safe products with a limited list of all the old standbys that have done us well for more than a century. Gerber trys to but on an Earth Mother face in their advertising. Did you look on line by typing in Gerber animal testing? My computer froze up when I tried.
2007-05-15 22:16:10 UTC

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